
TU/ecomotive - Eterna

Partnership for Sustainable Mobility: TU/ecomotive, Kersten, and Eterna

The partnership between TU/ecomotive from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE), Kersten - a specialist in bending aluminum extrusion profiles, and their collaborative project "Eterna" embodies a remarkable initiative that brings together sustainable innovation and technological expertise. This collaboration extends to the development of a revolutionary sustainable car concept and illustrates the power of synergy between academic institutions and businesses to achieve progressive mobility solutions.

Project Overview: Eterna - Pioneering Sustainability in the Automotive Industry

Eterna, the modular car concept arising from the unique collaboration between TU/ecomotive and Kersten, represents a radical approach to sustainable mobility. The project stems from insights by TUE students who challenged conventional views on car design and usage. Eterna is a vehicle composed of two distinct parts with their own life cycles, extending the lifespan of cars and reducing total CO2 emissions during the production process by a third.

Collaboration with Kersten: Innovative Frame Tubes for Eterna

The collaboration between TU/ecomotive and Kersten is a crucial aspect of the Eterna project. Kersten, as a specialist in bending and processing aluminum extrusion profiles, played an essential role in designing and producing the frame tubes for Eterna. These tubes form the core of the innovative modular design and contribute to the lightweight and sustainable construction of the car.

Impact and Vision: A Sustainable Future in Motion

The joint efforts of TU/ecomotive, Kersten, and the Eterna project have yielded impressive results:

  • The Eterna concept has demonstrated that rethinking the life cycle of cars and material usage can lead to significant reductions in CO2 emissions and production costs.
  • Thanks to Kersten's involvement, Eterna's frame tubes were manufactured with an optimal balance between sustainability and technical functionality.

This collaboration has not only resulted in an innovative car but also triggered a shift in mentality within the automotive industry. The partnership between TU/ecomotive and Kersten shows that sustainability and technology can go hand in hand, and that through collaboration and innovation, the path is paved toward a greener and forward-looking mobility.

Innovation and Awareness Tour: Eterna on the Road in Europe

Supported by TU/ecomotive's vision and Kersten's expertise, the Eterna team will showcase the concept during a tour across Western Europe. This tour includes visits to renowned universities, events, and engagements with the automotive industry. The partnership between academic and industrial leaders remains a driving force behind the evolution of sustainable mobility and the transformation of the automotive industry as we know it.


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